today, tomorrow and beyond.
Planning for the future

Statement of Wishes
If your wishes are unknown when you die, your family will be faced with making difficult decisions at a trying time. Will they know if you wish to be buried or cremated?
Will they agree on an open or closed casket? Confusion and disagreements, this can all be avoided by making a Statement of Wishes with Fitzroy Funerals ahead of time.
Will they agree on an open or closed casket? Confusion and disagreements, this can all be avoided by making a Statement of Wishes with Fitzroy Funerals ahead of time.

Financially Planning Ahead
Taking care of your funeral arrangements a head of time is a thoughtful and caring thing to do for your family. It is comforting to know that you have done all you can do to ease their burden, in a time of sorrow and grief.
SurePlan Funeral Insurance Services is highly trusted by Australian's and who we strongly recommend you have a look into for your future plan.
SurePlan Funeral Insurance Services is highly trusted by Australian's and who we strongly recommend you have a look into for your future plan.